Online PT

To save time and travel around the country, I offer online Personal Training packages.  These can be accessed from anywhere around the country (indeed the world) and enable you to gain the maximum benefit from the minimum amount of time.  You want to either increase your fitness level, or reduce your fatness level – or perhaps some of each – and my online PT packages are the ideal tools for that.

There are two packages available depending on your preferences, as well as a single (or multiple) Skype, phone or in-person consultancy sessions:

ELO – Exercise and Lifestyle Online

The starting point here is there’s no point in giving you a standardised plan – it has to be tailored to your availability, your desires and be achievable within your life.  More than that, it has to be enjoyable!  The plan produced in accordance with ELO is 100% personal and totally unique to you.

I will work with you to define a series of exercise approaches that will probably combine cardio, resistance training, stretching and bodyweight exercise.  And this can be done at home, outside or in a gym or studio – there are no hard and fast rules here, remember this plan is as individual as you are.

This starts with a one-hour Skype or phone consultation in which I learn about your fitness goals, lifestyle factors, timing and any family constraints or relevant medical factors – plus a look at your fitness history too.  Then we think about objectives – big steps being made up from a series of little steps, each of which is realistically achievable in a defined time span.  And its not right if you don’t agree that it can work for you, in your life, in that short time frame.

A big step is your agreement that the overall goal is desirable, and the first step achievable.  And we work from there.  This is all about mutual agreement – and you own the goals, not me.

I will supply videos, photos and documentation – and demonstrate live on Skype video – to ensure you have all you need. Plus I will give training record spreadsheets, which you can either submit to me or review in further sessions.

Further sessions?  Yes – usually every two weeks we will meet again on Skype or phone – we’ll talk about what has gone well, what has gone badly and modify the plan accordingly.  And if you’ve any questions, comments or want to provide feedback between our sessions – that’s great!  Send an email and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

If there’s something that’s changed in your life since the plan began, then we’ll adapt.  If there’s something you particularly like, then we’ll adopt.  Its totally unique to you, remember, and will only become your plan once you agree it’s achievable.

The fee for the Exercise and Lifestyle Online plan is £120 per month inclusive of all plan materials, and unlimited e-mail support.


TFO – Total Fitness Online

The TFO plan takes the ELO plan into the kitchen, and adds nutritional guidance to the mix.  All the exercise and lifestyle factors from the ELO plan are there, plus I’ll work with you to develop a nutritional approach (I’m not going to use the D word!) that will see success.

The initial assessment will take a little longer than with ELO – perhaps 90 minutes – and its important I understand your dietary likes and dislikes.  Nothing is forbidden if it makes you happy by the way – the portion size or timing may be adjusted, but it will still be there.  Any nutrition plan has zero chance of success if it takes all your likes out of the equation.

As with ELO, the Total Fitness Online plan is is absolutely personalised and unique to you – and we’ll discuss and agree together what is achievable here given your own preferences and constraints.  There may be many factors outside the kitchen that play a part – work, social life and most likely of all, family – and all these need to be considered.  It isn’t going to work if it doesn’t fit in with you – and its your job to believe that it will work, because you have helped design it.

And everything from the ELO plan is included too – the TFO plan adds nutritional advice and guidance to make it a complete exercise, nutrition and lifestyle solution to help you succeed.

I’d be happy to receive a daily food diary if you are up to it, and perform an analysis upon it – but I realise that is a burden too far for some, and if it is for you, we’ll discuss it in our regular follow up sessions.  As with  ELO, there are follow up sessions every two weeks – seeing how the plan has performed and modifying it to suit any successes or concerns – so that it remains a plan that you are committed to.  And, of course, there is continuing email support from me throughout.

As well as the videos, photos and spreadsheets from ELO, I also include nutrition guidelines and food lists as well as suggested meals (made up from ingredients that you like, of course!).

The fee for the Total Fitness Online plan is £160 per month inclusive of all plan materials, and unlimited e-mail support.


Fitness Consultancy

I also offer single or multiple consultations, covering nutrition, lifestyle analysis and exercise recommendations and review – and anything else to help you towards your fit-up, fat-down goal.

Fitness consultations can cover anything relevant to you in fitness, and are £50 per hour.

These are usually delivered by Skype video, but phone is possible if that is easier.

Also, they can be in person in a coffee shop or other public location  in Central London, if that is convenient for you.

To order any of the above, please go to