Any questions?

I’m always looking for questions to answer about fitness, especially those relating to training, nutrition or the application of fitness principles to the daily life of a 50+ year old.

Your question will be answered by me with contributions, if appropriate, from Chris Saward, who is the Sports Science Consultant to Fitness Over Fifty Ltd.

Chris at Zone Gym 07 Chris has a Masters degree in Sports Science from Loughborough University and is currently studying for his doctorate having assisted Nottingham Forest FC as their Sports Science specialist. He has a wide knowledge of the application of various fitness and sports approaches to persons of all ages, so is a very useful member of the Fitness Over Fifty team.

And if neither Chris nor I know the answer to your question, and no-one else pops up with an answer, I’ll research it until I find out.

Fit Happens - Chris in mid-sentence!So, any question, please send me an email to