A TV documentary about my fitness journey, both my own progress and now how I’m working with clients, was made for the Community Channel in 2013 and has been shown on satellite and cable several times in 2014, and is available on some versions of the BBC iplayer.
Called ‘Fat to Fit at Fifty’, it features contributions from people who have been instrumental in my fitness progress – including my coach Rob Riches, my personal trainer Russell Lee, photographer Simon Howard, magazine editors John Shepherd and Andreas Michael, my training partner Alex Hughes, some of my clients – oh yes, and Jenny, my wife!
And you can also see how I got on in my first attempt at the Miami Pro World Fitness Model Championships, held in April 2013.
It’s now on YouTube, in four parts, totalling 46 minutes. See it by clicking part one, then part two, then part three and finally part four.