Fit Club 50 is a members’ club which is designed to help motivate and inspire people in the over-50 age range improve their fitness.
The club gives information that you can use to make a positive improvement in your fitness levels (upwards!) and your fatness levels (downwards!), starting from day 1.
The subscription is £10 per month. To start you off in the right way, you receive the full ‘Fit Happens’ Workout System plus my ‘Easy Fitness Nutrition’ guidebook. These two combine to form the fundamentals of exercise and nutrition you need for long-term fitness success.
Then every month, a newsletter update is emailed to you containing fitness tips and ideas, a detailed article by me, a couple of fitness videos, and a recipe of the month. Plus access to my video library of every exercise I can think of, and you can ask any fitness question to me and get it answered.
The May 2019 newsletter talks about training with damaged knees, the article for the month is on how important it is to perform exercises properly, and the videos look at a range of leg exercises to complete a full lower-body workout, and the best way to use the cross-trainer to burn bodyfat. The May recipe is for delicious and healthy Vietnamese Sesame Beef, one of my favourite meals!
Join now, and get the workout, nutrition guidebook and the May newsletter today. Select Fit Club 50 on