As you may remember from these weekly blogs (weekly? erm…) I spent a lot of the past six months both in training for a fitness competition – the Pure Elite in Margate last month – and acting as a mentor to a great newcomer to the sport, Dan Wynes.
Dan also entered the contest (but in much younger categories) and – indeed, if it wasn’t for Dan, I wouldn’t have entered the contest – he motivated me to enter, and that was just one of the ‘two-directional’ inspirational and guidance activities that emerged as part of the mentoring process.
The contest itself, and some of the preparation, is to be featured in a TV documentary to be shown early in 2015. Before that though, here is an article written jointly by Dan and me, and published by my good friends at WatchFit, that describes the mentoring over those six months – and how we both contributed and benefitted from it. And there’s some great photos from Simon Howard of snhfoto.
Take a look (link below), have a read of both our stories, and I hope you find it interesting – and feel free as always to send comments to me at