I’ve spent a few years following various nutrition approaches – from very precise all the way down to totally random! These experiences have led me to devise an approach to nutrition for fitness which is flexible, enjoyable and workable in daily life. It does require a bit of understanding, and there are rules to be – well, if not obeyed, then ‘observed’. And there is a bit of maths involved too – not too much, but counting and multiplying do come into it.
The approach is designed for those who want to increase their fitness levels, decrease their fatness levels and – probably for most – a bit of both. It assumes you are already pretty active and undertake exercise most days of the week.
To save ploughing through some big articles, I’ve put my recommended approach down into two videos; the first describes how the numbers work – calculating calories, grams of macronutrients and timing. The second then takes those ideas further and translates them into real life eating – real meals on a real day on a real test subject (that’s me, of course).
The first video is www.bitly.com/ChrisNutrition001 and when you are ready to move on from the numbers to the meals, it is www.bitly.com/ChrisNutrition002
I’ve kept both the detail of the maths and the full calorie and macronutrient breakdown away from the videos – but you can see this, if your geek-level is high enough, on my web site – www.FitnessOverFifty.co.uk then choose Easy Nutrition on the Nutrition tab.
I hope that all works for you and you pick up an approach to healthy eating that can see you through to your fitness goals. Drop me an email if anything needs a chat through!